Never Say Goodbye

Posted: May 16, 2010 in Story
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Hostellites had really tough time after their score cards were delivered home. So they decided to study at home.

Place: Bus

1: Thank God. We’ve place to sit and relax.

2: Need to take a nap. Had less than 5 hours of sleep.

3: That means you’ve studied a lot and this is pretty obvious from your puffy eyes.

Some rounds of waste talk and then all doze off.

Time: 2 mins to reach college and half an hour to first paper.

3: Get up, we’re almost there.

2: I’ve to do well in morning’s paper. I’ve written only one internal. Didn’t have textbooks. Still managed to study something despite exam fever I mean usual exam time fever.

3: Hope question paper is more straight than the paper setter.

2: Hope answer paper does not become as blank as the paper setter.

1: Wah Wah. Good one.

3: The worst was when I told Mom that I left my second paper’s books at hostel.

1: Luckily I’ve 23 in morning’s paper and I’m not greedy. I’m writing only noon’s paper.

Bus stops at college. Three strive to get down. 1 goes ahead.

3: Don’t show off your marks. Don’t put us down. Buri nazar waali.

1 stumbles and is thrown from the bus along with a heavy bag. The bag falls  straight down with tremendous force and almost crushes her ankle.

2: Oh God, Are you okay.

1: Fuck, can’t bear this sprain. Who the fuck pushed me? Don’t people understand that there are many who’ve to get off? Pain is killing me. I’m not able to move my leg.

3: Hold us and try to walk. Come.

1 2 and 3 cross the road with excessive care and effort.

1: I can’t walk anymore.

2: I’ll try to get an auto. Let’s go to doctor.

2 and 3 call up all possible contacts and manage to get an auto. 4 comes at same time.

4: I’ll be with her. I’m not writing morning’s paper. You girls move. Only 10 mins to exam.

1 2 3 and 4 go to clinic. 1 and  4 stay back as the doctor’s yet to come. 2 and 3 go to hostel to dump their baggage. 2 and 3 mug up some points and run to college.

Place: On the way to college.

Time: 5 mins to exam

2: I see bad oman. My man of unluck.

3: Oh, Mechie is here.

M: I want to have a word with you.

2: Ok, you just spoke a sentence. Bye.

M: This is something serious. You’re nothing like a girl

2 does not let him continue.

2: Nothing you can compare to your neighborhood whore. Isn’t it. You don’t give a damn about exam that doesn’t mean you should stop me from writing my exams. Good bye.

M: I won’t let you go. What will you do? Will you cry.

2: No, I’ll scream

2 and 3 walk away as Mechie screams ‘Bitch’. 2 turns and screams ‘Bastard’.

3: Mind your tongue. Talk to him later.

2 and 3 write the paper and come back to hostel. Study some crap for the next exam and take care of 1 at the same time. 2 3 and 4 write their second paper and come back to hostel.

3: You were rude to him.

2: It’s all faded and gone. Why don’t you understand. I know him. Don’t I know better?

4: We’re all fed up of your on/off relationship stories. Why don’t you take a firm stand?

2: So what do I do now? If you were me, would you apologize to him! Preachers of altruism.

1: Let her do whatever she wants. It’s her life.

3: Chup bait langdi. People have problems but this bimbo has turned her life to problem and then asks us to detangle her life. You know, we’re always there.

4: As seen earlier, type out a neat text message.

2: Okay. Pen is mightier than a sword. So true, so true.

2 types a message and sends it to now ex-Mechie.

3: Read it aloud.

2: I’ll pass the phone to you. Your honor, you read it aloud.

3: Oh, only 140 characters.

1: Twitter maniac. Give me the phone. Here it goes. Our relationship has become a cracked mirror reflectin many pieces of d same thing. Sorry, understand compatibility problem. Let’s end this.

1 forgets her pain and walks a step.

1: You got a message.

3 and 4: Langdi, chalne lagi. Good try. Let’s see what happens.

2 reads the message and says ‘Oh, done and gone.’

2: He says ‘Have it your way. This is the best breakup message I’ve ever gotten.’ How dare he say it? Oh wait, it doesn’t end here. That line was a joke it seems. He says ‘Never say good bye.’

  1. djd says:

    If your stories are so spicy i woudnt mind if it went on forever Ahem.

  2. kenneth says:

    Reading your blog and especially this interesting story is in my holiday to do list 🙂

  3. anusha says:

    nice one……..jus feel like,this all happened yday…… nice work….

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